
Abbadia Sicille Relais
Latitude: 43.1620892° – 42° 9′ 43.521” N
Longitude: 11.7047974° – 11° 42′ 17.27” E

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“Abbadia Sicille Relais”, in the province of Siena, is located, in the heart of Tuscany, on the ridge

separating the Val di Chiana and the Val D’Orcia.

Address: Abbadia Sicille Relais – 53020 Sp14 Km 5,5 – Trequanda (SI) Italia

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    Latitude: 43.1620892° – 42° 9′ 43.521” N
    Longitude: 11.7047974° – 11° 42′ 17.27” E
    +39 0577 665293
    +39 3889045095

    How to reach us

    Abbadia Sicille Relais can be reached by the Val di Chiana exit- direction Sinalunga of the A1 motorway. Once you arrive at the roundabout of Sinalunga follow the signs for Trequanda and Abbadia Sicille Relais. At KM 5,5 of the provincial road 14, on the left you will find he entrance to the Abbey.

    Reception hours: from 8:00 to 20:00
    Check-in: from 15:00 to 20:00
    Check-out: by 10:30 am

    Tourist tax: €1,00 per person per night
    Politica sugli animali: Animali di piccola taglia ammessi, Gratis!

    Cancellation policy: Variable, we advise our customers to view all the information indicated in the booking voucher.